Blog Series: A Decade in Agile

10 years…
Ten whole years of my working life dedicated to creating software through agile methods. A lot of things have changed since those first few sprints. Lots of lessons learned, (usually the hard way), plenty of experience from working with lots of different people, with difference perspectives, in different locations, with diverse cultures and in unique companies.
As I went through the highs and lows of agile adoption I wrote a small but detailed blog along the way. These ‘epistles’ were usually written when I had considerable motivation to tell the story – when on a high from success, or a low from learning things the hard way. These blogs became a vehicle to vent frustration or expound virtues of some new insight or shift in mind-set.
Over these first weeks of 2013, I’m going to take some time to review these blogs, and retrospectively comment, amend and critique the thinking at the time, against the years of experience that have followed. Maybe I’ll learn something new along the way and I hope you’ll enjoy the journey too. There are 2 main categories of blogs I’ll be reviewing:

Category 1: The Basics & Tactics

These blogs are more for the people in the trenches actually using Scrum in anger (or bliss!) and consists of lessons, insights and patterns that have proven useful.
·         How Adopting Agile Increases Business Benefits
·         The 10 Commandments of Agile Planning
·         Which Agile Method?
·         Launch, launch, launch
·         Agile Metrics & Scorecards
·         Constraining Agility
·         The Machine that Changed the World
·         A Nod to a Solid Team

Category 2: Transformational & Strategic

These blogs are aimed at the executive or change management audience emphasising key concepts, mind-sets and expectations when leading agile change initiatives:
·         CIO/IT Director – What Agile Means to You
·         Implementing Agile: Top-down or Bottom-up
·         Inversion Management: 21st Century Leadership
·         Agile & Transformational Leadership
·         Lost in Translation
·         Organisational Patterns
·         Fearless Change
·         Emotional Intelligence
·         The Cellular Business Model


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